Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tiger's eye

It has been one month now. It started with Tiger having teary eye. So we bought an eye drop from vet (not our normal vet). Somehow, he actually has cornea defect which means, the eye drop that vet gave should not contain steroid. Wrong eye drop makes the eye worsen.

I  am not aware about two different eye drop. So our vet told us that for normal eye problem (usually happen to kitten eye where it swell and teary) we shouldn't use the one with steroid. Eye drop with steroid only can be use for certain cases only. So if we want to stock up cats eye drop, we need to make sure it does not contain steroid.

Our vet is trying to safe Tiger's right eye. He said, "Cat with blind eye is better than one eye."

Now we are waiting for Tiger's swollen eye to subside before vet can investigate what makes his eye swell. Somehow it looks like there's something growing in his eye. Vet say it might be cancer but he's too young to have it. Case is rare.

Wish Tiger to get well soon. Somehow Tiger's appetite is normal. He plays, he eats, he sleeps like nothing happen..

So, what should you do if your cat is sick? Just give medication as instructed by your vet? What can you do to help your vet to figure out what is happening to your cat?

1. Make sure you know what pills or drugs your vet is giving to your cat. You never know you might need to get second opinion. At least your second vet knows what medicine has been given to kitty.

2. Pay attention to your cat. Is he eating , drinking, pooping normal during medication. This is important so that vet know is he responding to medication or not.

3. Is your cat getting better or worst. If there is any slight changes on your cat's physical, (eg: kitty start shivering. Or kitty eye from cloudy eye turns red)  note them down.

4. Always ask your vet.. What circumstances that you need to bring back kitty for vet visit? (Eg: bring back kitty to vet if kitty doesn't respond to food for 2 days)

So far, I can only think these 4 points.. Will show you guys an example note in later update.

Guten Nacht =D


Megaa said...

Good post Ain. Perhaps I should share this post with that person who gave panadols to her sick cat :(

rajanurulain87 said...

erk!panadol is a NO NOOOO to cats.. even dettol, clorox....erkkkkk...

Gamat for Fungus Infection is also a NO NO. my vet told me that gamat gives more nutrient to fungus and it'll make the fungus grow happily ever after!

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