This is Alexander The Great. My housemate found him while searching for her missing kitty. He was wondering around alone so she brought back him home. He's active, friendly and loves attention. He's about 2 months old, very cute male dsh. He has been adopted by Maslina
Meanwhile Lea and Thomas Bleach has gone for neuter. After recovering from the surgery, they'll be up for adoption too.
I went to SPCA-DBKL Klinik Kembiri to neuter them. While waiting, I went to the backyard, looking at the dogs and cats in the cage. It is heart breaking to see knowing the animals have 1 week to live. If no one claims them, they'll be put to sleep. All dogs there, licenced and without licenced, all trying to impress me. All giving that "i wanna live" look in their eyes. Those looks tears my heart. They are such beautiful dog and how I wish I have place for you guys my dear. Some are puppies, some broke their legs, some have wounds.
Then I walked to the cat area. They were hoping me to take them too, especially this one blue coated cat. I wonder how he ended up here. For your information, pusat kurungan dbkl is where they put all their catch stray dogs, cats, wondering around goats, cow and birds. If no one claims them in one week, they will be put to sleep. At the store, I saw tins of poison. Maybe that is the "thing" to put them to sleep, I don't know. There's even sick cats with their whining kittens, all have eye infection. There's a skinny cat, facing the floor, flies all over it's body. I thought it's dead, but actually I'm wrong. It is dying!! There were some cats trying to get out of the cage. Maybe they know that they are going to die and the only way to survive is by escaping. Everyone is looking at me. Hoping me to set them free. There's one dog, she has puppy, from the look of her nipple. And she's barking. maybe telling me she need to go back to her child back at the street.
Back in the office, I heard the manager and an old lady conversation. He told the old lady that now they need to put a guess book for visitors or people who wanna send their pets to neuter because public is giving one of the hell time for dbkl. They come and took pictures of how dirty, sad, bad it is there. Show it to the media. Giving dbkl a bad name.
I'm sad. We Malaysians are way back unlike other developt country. Who is the one responsible of the animals in those cage?? Who is the one who dump all unwanted kittens and puppies at the backstreet? Who is the one chose not to neuter their pets believing that it is not humane?
And now you are telling Malaysia that dbkl is a bad, irresponsible, inhumane? It is YOU the cause. Don't blame others for your action. If you really care about the fate of all those animals, why don't you start changing their fate by neutering YOUR pets.
mmg kesian tgk diorang.. masa neuter damak ari tu pun.. sy sempat jenguk² anjing n kucing kat belakang. kucing² semua nampak x sihat.. kotor.. sakit mata.. kesian sgt..
rasanya DBKL perlu hari² tertentu untuk 'show' kucing² tu kat public.. sape² nak boleh ambil secara'free' kucing² or anjing² tuh..
I got a suggestion name for him...Palomino!!
lol suits him
i love orange kitties....
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