Friday, February 29, 2008

Darn Tupai!

I noticed Tupai keep on gardening! Pee everywhere at the garden. In and out the toilet. So I decided to check on him. He actually have difficulty to pee. Bet its crystal so I bring him to vet. Vet gave him meds to dissolve the cystal / stone. Hah, now the hard part. Tupai is not that good incoming eating meds. He'll be scratching,running, even spit on me. I wrap him up, and no use, he'll be extra fierce. Nearly giveup though. So my last resort is to crush the meds and mix it with chicken. Yeah he eats, but he'll remove the crushed meds. Took me 1/2 hour to beg him eat the meds. Successfully done for day 1. 5days to go...

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