Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Teman me please..

"O.J,O.J, at last you come to teman me. I'm so lonely here, but since you already here, lets play!" says late Amir. O.J died in my arms about 4.34pm just now. She was eating n drinking much, i think she like the chicken soup and the raw chicken, but she pee alot. Its ok for me. I told her, if u survive O.J, i'm gonna keep u, O.J. She mewed, but minus the voice. I know all she want is the milk. Mama's real milk, but Mama too bias dont wanna feed her, only feed her siblings. She mewed hungry, follow everywhere Mama goes, but when Mama lay down, and O.J wanna start drinking, Mama will get away, worst, kick her. I saw it, and i am mad with Mama, til today. I know O.J is weak, but i never wanna giveup on her. I know she is in pain, and i believe she will survive the pain,and live happily after her eye pop out, but, i was wrong. I saw her tears, feel her pain, sometimes i feel wanna put her to sleep, so that she wouldn't suffer, but the other half of me dont wanna give up hope on her. I clean her everytime she pee, dry her, feed her,calm her down when she's in real great pain. Her last moment, i know she's in real great pain,she mew without her voice for several time, i give her chicken soup, she drink alot,maybe to ease her pain, then she trembled,i try to calm her down,then her mew,her last mew,her last breath,in my arms.

O.J, O.J.....i feel like she's still breathing. I ask my housemate to check on her, 15minutes later, i try to carry her, she's heavy n started to harden, then i really believe, she is dead. I try to act strong by not crying, coz i know, this is the nature, all living things will die, but i can't help it.Tears rolling down my cheek, im crying.. O.J, dont worry, all the trouble u've cost, i dont really care. It is a precious experience for me.

O.J, u really teach me how to be patience n now i know how it feels when a mother takes care of sick child. I appreciate it. O.J, i hope u are happy playing at heaven. Send my love to Tompok, Tompok Jr., Adek's kittens, and Amir.. i miss all of you. May you rest in peace.

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